Friday, June 26, 2009


“I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.”
Dalai Lama quotes

I was introduced to fractal geometry and the Mandelbrot set recently. Mandelbrot discovered that geometric shapes look the same when you break them down into smaller components. For example take the cauliflower, whose smaller and smaller buds mirror the whole bunch. As these components are magnified and enhanced you begin to notice new smaller branches on the tree .

Fractal geometry and the Mandelbrot set are patterns that can be magnified forever and have infinite precision. Some have even gone as far as to coin the Mandelbrot set the thumbprint of God.

I have only posted two videos here but do yourself a favour and watch the whole set .

The brain likes all kinds of patterns ; audio - visual - syntactic - logical formulas. The human body on the other hand is made up of its own metabolic patterns (respiration, hormonal pulses etc). Humans are created out of ordered patterns of (DNA), which arose out of the perfect conditions within ordered patterns of water and minerals settling on the surface of the earth, moving in ordered revolutions around the sun, spinning in the ordered web of the greater cosmos.

For me the Mandelbrot set was a good visual and scientific explanation as to how/why synchronicity - deja vu - and all other psychic related phenomena can influence and effect our reality.

Quite a beautiful concept when we view the universe more like an amazing and intricate tapestry - everything bound and united within the confines of each others threads - all singular components that make up the whole.

Perhaps we should look at the whole of creation more like a duplicate of the original formulae ( pattern ) - even allowing for the smallest deviations in evolution the formulae remains constant. Perhaps this is exactly how intuition - and prophetic dreams work - through the subconscious or collective unconscious ? by tapping into the historical / archival database and then applying the pattern ( formulae ) we have the ability to predict future outcomes. The Mandelbrot set continues on into infinity - one could compare this ideology to multi-universes - the microcosms and macros - I believe synchronicity is a connection between two polar states - in my case synchronicity always feels like a door opening - a bridge that connects one dimension / realm with another.

According to Jung synchronous events reveal an underlying pattern, a conceptual framework which encompasses, but is larger than, any of the systems which display the synchronicity. Sometimes synchronicity occurs through symbol or word associations but sometimes the experience will actually manifest as an actual phenomena or event in our timeframe / dimension and it is in these moments that I believe the most profound / spiritual and in some cases magical experiences occur.

I also wanted to mention how I found many of the theories pertaining to synchronicity and lets say the Mandelbrot set tie in with some Indigenous groups mythological accounts of the creation story. According to Native American Indian mythology Spider Grandmother was responsible for all the stars in the sky. According to myth she took a giant web she had spun, and laced it with dew. She then threw it into the sky, and the dew became the stars. Some liken her to the Creatix ( Matrix ). Spider Woman served as a messenger for the Creator and was an intercessory between deity and the people. Perhaps we could also group this myth in with that of the Moirae AKA The Fates, in Greek mythology.

The Greek word Moirae literally means "Parts." "Shares" and by extension one's allotted portions in life or destiny. They were known as the weavers and controlled the metaphorical thread of life - At the birth of each man / woman they appear spinning, measuring, and in our final hours cutting the thread of life.

The ancient Greeks believed in Fate. They said there were three sisters of fate, the Moirae, triple Moon-goddesses robed in white, whom Erebus begat on Night. They were not the children of Zeus, but parthenogenous daughters of the Great Goddess of Necessity, against whom not even the gods contend.

In Athens, Aphrodite or Urania was also known as "the oldest of the Fates." She was the Goddess of DESIRE who rose naked from Chaos and danced on the surface of the sea. ( All things are born or manifest from the SEED OF DESIRE - DESIRE is a precursor to evolution )

Jung coined the word Synchronicity to describe what he called "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Jung variously described synchronicity as an "acausal connecting principle", "meaningful coincidence" and "acausal parallelism".

He believed that many experiences that are coincidences due to chance in terms of causality suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances in terms of meaning, reflecting this governing dynamic.

One of Jung's favourite quotes on synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"

He wrote, after describing some examples, "When coincidences pile up in this way, one cannot help being impressed by them -- for the greater the number of terms in such a series, or the more unusual its character, the more improbable it becomes.

I just wanted to share one of my own personal synchronistic experiences with you which occurred in 2003 I arranged to meet my family at their house - at which point we all planned to follow each other to the coast. The city I live in is some 300 km's away from the beach but we decided to make our first stop my fathers property which is situated about 15 mins inland. When I arrived at my families house I found to my dismay that they had already gone. Furious I decided to make my way to the beach regardless. I was so determined ( will ) to meet up with them and give them a piece of my mind - my whole focus for three hours was on making that deadline but I also knew that if I did not catch them at the property my chances of finding them would be slim. So the trip took three hours - my family decided to take the scenic route but ended up getting lost - as I neared the property I slowed to allow a vehicle approaching from the opposite direction to pass - as it got closer it too began to slow - In disbelief I found myself staring into the very shocked faces of my family - when we drove into the property my father was not there - so had I not met them at that exact location at that exact point in time I would of missed them entirely. Mathematically the odds of us meeting up at all - were - in our minds -a million to one.

The French writer Émile Deschamps claims in his memoirs that in 1805, he was treated to some plum pudding by a stranger named Monsieur de Fortgibu. Ten years later, the writer encountered plum pudding on the menu of a Paris restaurant and wanted to order some, but the waiter told him that the last dish had already been served to another customer, who turned out to be de Fortgibu. Many years later, in 1832, Émile Deschamps was at a diner and was once again offered plum pudding. He recalled the earlier incident and told his friends that only de Fortgibu was missing to make the setting complete—and in the same instant, the now senile de Fortgibu entered the room.[10]

In his book Synchronicity (1952), Jung tells the following story as an example of a synchronistic event: "A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a dream in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling me this dream, I sat with my back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane from the outside. I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in. It was the nearest analogy to a golden scarab one finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeud beetle, the common rose-chafer (Cetonia aurata), which contrary to its usual habits had evidently felt the urge to get into a dark room at this particular moment. I must admit that nothing like it ever happened to me before or since." [11]

A good friend of mine - someone I feel has been a huge guiding light in my life - especially over last few months ( String ) recently suggested I catalogue all my synchronicities and dreams - so I could get a clearer picture of all the events that have transpired in my life - which in turn has prompted memories , that at the time I deemed insignificant but now in retrospect believe were extremely important.

So I started by writing about the first synchronicity that I ever became CONSCIOUSLY AWARE OF ( in the essence of impact and effect ) - this event occurred a few years ago ( toward the end of 2005 ) an event that shook the foundations of my life to its very core and it all began with a dream about a Wind God. In the dream a huge storm rolled in and the front door of the house was blown open - an Asian / Oriental woman was frantically screaming at me that a Wind God had just entered the house and that it was important I find and open a door on the exact opposite end of the house in order that the wind God could exit -she said if I did not do this the God would wreak havoc on my life.

A few days later my sister came over and found an old terracotta plaque ( of a Wind God ) she had gifted me a few Christmas's prior and wanted to know why I never bothered hanging it up ? I told her that I had completely forgotten about it but the truth is I always felt the face looked a little menacing and after alot of very careful thought and consideration decided to leave it in the box. Much to my dismay she went outside and hung it on the wall right beside my front door - during the early stages of this synchronicity - I did not make any connections between this event and my dream - that realisation came later in the afternoon when a fierce wind whipped up and blew my front door open -that is when I finally drew the parallels between the dream and the event - I am superstitious by nature lol and ran to the back door and opened it but the back door was to the side of the house - technically I did not have a back door as such, so all my efforts were in vain and a few weeks later my whole life did quite literally turn upside down ( the events that unfolded truly were life altering and I believe a continuing stream of strange synchronicities were definitely the catalyst that prompted my own personal AWAKENING the realisation that there is far more to each and every one of our lives than meets the eye - unseen forces that for the most part the vast majority of us are totally oblivious too ) I would even go as far as to say that for the spiritually minded synchronicites could be viewed as messages that originate from a Divine source via a vast network ( web ) which would correlate with the creation story of Spider Woman who served as a messenger for the Creator and was an intercessory between deity and the people.

It was the Oriental / Asian factor that I carelessly dismissed in the first instance - not only the Asian womans appearance but it also dawned on me that there was a real emphasis in the dream on the front door having a proportionate relationship with the back door ( which made me think of Feng Shui ). Feng Shui takes doors very seriously in many different areas as in the Black Sect Tradition, they are considered “voices.” Feng shui is a discrete Chinese belief system involving a mix of geographical, religious, philosophical, mathematical, aesthetic, and astrological ideas. It literally means "wind (feng) and water (shui)". The source of the term is purported to come from the Burial Book written by Guo Pu in the Jin Dynasty. Qi rides the wind and stops when it meets the boundary of water. The ancients manipulate Qi so that it did not dissipate, and directed it so that it was retained. In feng shui, the main door is the most important aspect because it allows the energy, or "chi", to enter the home. It is the "mouth" of the house, taking in positivity and nourishment. It is unlucky if you can see the BACK DOOR from the entryway of the front door. Chi flows like water, so all positive energy would flow right out the back the moment it flows in the front - but remember this only applies to ( positive ) Chi energy . Roads to and from ancient Chinese towns were often curved and windy, an attempt to disorient and keep away evil spirits, who were believed to travel in STRAIGHT LINES.

About the Wind God in the dream - Fūjin is the Japanese god of wind and one of the oldest Shinto gods. He was present at the creation of the world and when he first let the winds out of his bag, they cleared the morning mists and filled the Gate between heaven and earth so the sun shone. ( Did the mists represent being ASLEEP and the wind clearing the mists represent an AWAKENING ) ? He is portrayed as a terrifying dark demon, resembling a red headed black humanoid wearing a leopard skin, carrying a large bag of winds on his shoulders.

Some myths identified the wind god as a kind of monster or dragon named Fei Lein, and it was this dragon, they said, who walked so swiftly. In these stories, the wind dragon worked as a wicked minister in the tyrannical Chou dynasty. In the guise of this dragon, Feng Po had the body of a stag , the head of a bird, and the tail of a serpent.

The oriental aspect of this God seemed relevant so I was pondering more exploration into Japanese / Chinese mythology when ironically the very next day whilst doing some research on synchronicity I stumbled across an article by Radmila Moacanin which I now feel is the key to the next stages of my own personal journey - growth and discovery. In the article Radmila states that all of Jung's discoveries were accompanied by dreams of synchronistic events that either pointed the way or gave him confirmation that he was proceeding in the right direction. At the time whilst he was drawing mandalas, he created a painting of a golden castle. What caught Jung's attention was the Chinese quality evident in the painting, and apparently he was puzzled by it. Shortly afterward he received from the sinologist Richard Wilhelm a copy of an old Chinese alchemical text, which marked the beginning of his fascination with alchemy. This striking coincidence, incorporated both the mandala symbolism and the principle of synchronicity, namely, the double expression of unus mundus - psychological and parapsychological.

Unus Mundus is when the individual psyche touches eternity, the identity of the personal with the trans-personal. In his dreams as well as those of his patients, he could at times discern a portrayal of the mandalas. symbolizing the multiplicity of the phenomenal world within and underlying unity. The mandala symbolism represents the psychological equivalent of unus mundus, while its parapsychological equivalent fits Jung's concept of synchronicity. And indeed Jung felt the powerful effect one experiences in moments of encounter with the unus mundus. The critical factor is the meaning, the subjective experience that comes to the person; events are connected in a meaningful way, that is events of the inner world and outer world, the invisible and the tangible, the mind and the physical universe. The coming together at the right moment can happen only without the conscious intervention of the ego. Instead it is prepared in the unconsciousness of the psyche, and it is as though the psyche had its own secret design, irrespective of ego's conscious wishes. Such synchronistic events, of smaller or larger proportions, occur to most people in daily life, but as with dreams, if we do not recognize them and pay attention to them, they remain insignificant.

I want to finish with some favorite quotes of mine from Joseph Campbell

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.

Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else.

And this above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,

-- William Shakespeare

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Real Da Vinci code - Knights Templars - UFO's - Secret societies - Part 7

This is an excerpt from weird science
by Alex Burns ( - January 28, 2001

Black holes, Alcubierre warp drives, traversable worm holes, and the quest for the Holy Grail of dark matter are outpacing the wildest SF fantasies in the public's imagination. In the science fraternity, this 'quantum weirdness' is creating new paradigms with which to view reality. The most controversial physicist in this field is Dr Jack Sarfatti, whose investigation of such phenomena as superluminal (faster than light) information and anomalous experiences challenges the very underpinnings of modern quantum physics.

Sarfatti's exotic theories are rarely discussed within the mainstream physics community. Like Harvard Medical School department of psychiatry's John Mack, who controversially researched UFO abductions, Timothy Leary's early 1960s metaprogramming experiments, or Lyall Watson's unorthodox explorations of Supernature (New York: Anchor Press, 1973), Sarfatti's exploration of the questions polite academics avoid has tainted his reputation. A typical off-hand response came from N. David Mermin of the Cornell physics department who studied Sarfatti's papers and corresponded with him during the 1980s: "Jack Sarfatti? What a weird, strange subject to be writing about!"

Master of the Vortex

Yet Sarfatti's theories of future causality - the future impacting on the present - are influencing the contemporary cultural meme pool. From Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) to Twelve Monkeys (1995), Sarfatti's ideas have been the subject of major sci-fi scenarios. Sarfatti himself was parodied as the memorable time-travelling Dr Emmett Brown in the Back to the Future trilogy.

According to Creon Levit of the NASA Ames Research Center, who studied and worked with Sarfatti, "Jack is a maverick, because he is examining what is perhaps the most cherished asumption of modern science - that all causes must precede their effects. People, including scientists, do not, unless they are very brave, like to question their cherished assumptions. This is unfortunate, because in quantum theory the mainstream theorists have gone so far as to give up objectivity - both in their physics, and I am afraid, in their approach to physics - in order to save causality."

"Physics is the Conceptual Art of the late 20th Century," Sarfatti claims. "But as a science it will lead to new practical super-technology." Recognising the role of theoretical physics as a cultural 'early warning system,' Sarfatti like his predecessors Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli, has investigated its archetypal foundations. Consequently he has evolved into a true 'Trickster' figure in the Gurdjieff/Leary mould, reconciling the roles of conceptual artist, physicist, poet and Magus.

"After Timothy Leary, I'm the only Magus left!" Sarfatti jokes. His synthesis attempts to capture the subjective reality of unconscious archetypes 'revealed' by quantum physics, a reality that, he says, can only be accessed by metaphor, evocation, poetry, and music.

Sarfatti's 'court' is the chic Caffe Trieste (dubbed 'Sarfatti's Cave' in deference to Plato). Situated in the bohemian suburb of North Beach, San Francisco, an area Sarfatti equates with the Left Bank of Paris: "very chic and the place to be seen; it's my neighbourhood for over 20 years."

Francis Ford Coppola (founder of the American Zoetrope motion picture production company); Lawrence Ferhlingetti; Guerilla Marketing expert Jay Conrad Levinson; and Jefferson Airplane's visionary musician Paul Kantner ("who visits the Caffe Trieste almost daily") are amongst the local community, supplanted in recent years by the Silicon Valley Nouvelle Riche and Hollywood creative artists who reside in or near North Beach. Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich can be frequently found in local restaurants like Rose Pistolas or Toscas, capturing the Italian old charm that embodied the San Francisco of the Beat Era. Increasingly, North Beach is home to thriving publishing, advertising, investment, and multimedia production houses; and to activist think tanks including the Milarepa Fund and the Earth Island Institute. For many cultural iconoclasts, North Beach is a reminder that San Francisco had atmospheric character and artistic integrity decades before the Haight-Ashbury legacy descended.

The Caffe Trieste has been the site of Sarfatti's 'self imposed' exile from the conservative academic community, and his preferred location for lecturing to a rapt audience of 'espresso scholars'. A noted personality in the North Beach scene, Sarfatti is mentioned in Herbert Gold's works Bohemia: Where Art, Angst, Love & Strong Coffee Meet (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993) and Travels In San Francisco. His colleagues include the famous Beat poet Gregory Corso, who reinvigorates poetry long demonised by the Machine Age.

'Sarfatti's Cave' has now gone online, as he utilises the World Wide Web as an interactive education tool.

This site was kindly forwarded by my friend String


Monday, June 1, 2009

The Real Da Vinci Code - The Knights Templars - UFO's - Secret societies - PART 6

UFO Coverup

Nixon - CIA - Bush

I posted this on another forum 27 Oct 2007 :

On June 21, 1974, Sarfatti was one of a number of scientists and other interested parties — a group that included Arthur C. Clarke, Arthur Koestler, David Bohm, and John Hasted — who conducted observations of Uri Geller while the latter displayed what he said was telekinetic energy.

Sarfatti was impressed by Geller, and commented: "My personal professional judgement as a Ph.D. physicist is that Geller demonstrated genuine psychoenergetic ability at Birkbeck, which is beyond the doubt of any reasonable man, under relatively well-controlled and repeatable experimental conditions." He later revised this opinion after discussing the matter with James Randi. He wrote in a letter: "On the basis of further experience in the art of conjuring, I wish to retract my endorsement of Uri Geller's psychoenergetic authenticity."

I recently found this response to my post - it was allegedly posted by Jack Sarfatti ?


The above quote from the Wickedpedia Files is disinformation from a Berserkely leftist agitator named Calton Bolick who now lives under a rock somewhere in the Tokyo suburbs and who visits Beijing presumably because he is a gourmet. He does have a fat rear end so maybe that is not simply a cover story. Bolick has wormed his way into a position of power in the Wicketpedia File Cult of Bimbo Wales who fancies himself to be another L. Ron. Hubbard. Bolick's main job seems to be smearing me and a few others with disinformation on Wickedpedia. Fact is Uri Geller and I are close friends and we are working together on projects e.g. link to stayaerusa.organd Calton Bolick erases all attempts to tell the truth about that on Wickedpedia.


I hesitated before making the next series of posts - because - this particular subject matter has been discussed extensively and in some instances has been deemed inaccurate and fraudulent. I decided to go ahead and present all the information regardless.

Dr. Valdimir Poponin

The link above mentions another physicist Dr. Valdimir Poponin allegedly a personal acquaintance of Gorbachev's

The DNA Phantom effect


Jim Garrison and Tom Jenkins were both from Gorbachev Foundation -Tom and I had an interesting conversation in which we both noted the amazing patterns of synchronicity linking physicists interested in consciousness, extra-terrestrial intelligence, remote-viewing and other fringe areas with the pivotal events that ended the Cold War.

I walked into the Caffe Trieste one day in 1979. A young girl, Maiti, said she had written a poem about me. We soon started dating. She said her father was a "senior policy planner" in the government, but she did not agree with his politics and had briefly been in the Weatherman. She showed me a photograph of her Grandfather, who was a German General (Rudel) during World War Two. Her father had met her mother while on Army duty after the war. One day her father telephoned and said that he heard that the Philadelphia Incident was really true. Maiti mentioned that her father had ET contacts as a child like I had. Her father was an Arabic-speaking expert in Middle-East affairs with high level contacts. He once sent me a manuscript on the Qabala and the mystical union between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. One day Maiti showed me a copy of a letter that her father, Robert Dickson Crane , wrote of his friend Anthony Weiner at the Hudson Institute. The letter says in part:

In view of the present-day Esalen-Erhard-Yeltsin-Gorbachev connections , the 1979 Esalen-UFO connection is significant. Even though I had split with Werner Erhard by late 1977, EST's Raz Ingrasci phoned me and asked me to meet with Jenny O Conner. Raz said that Jenny had been sent to Werner by Sir John Whitmore who had funded Andrija Puharich's collaborations with Uri Geller back in 1973. Jenny claimed to be channeling messages from "The Nine" -- the same extra-terrestrials that Puharich wrote about. In view of my own contact in 1952 I should have been more diplomatic with Jenny when she came to my apartment at 2 Whiting Place -- the apartment that Michael Murphy had given me. Jenny impressed me as total fraud, and I practically kicked her out. I was verbally very rude. Jenny and The Nine was promptly installed at Esalen for quite some time overlapping with visits by the late physicist Heinz Pagels, Congressman Charlie Rose, Ira Einhorn, and high ranking Russians from Georgy Arbatov's Moscow Institute of US and Canada, which was influential during Gorbachev's watch.

Sarfatti went on to say - this list is not complete. Vladimir Posner is an important fellow in all this according to Schwartz and Tinkerman. The fact remains, the iron post of observation that a bunch of apparently California New Age flakes into UFOs and psychic phenomena, _including myself_, had made their way into the highest levels of the American ruling class and the Soviet Union and today run the Gorbachev Foundation.

Gordon Novel & Jack Sarfatti: Strange Be

"Jack Sarfatti" wrote: Gordon is the American "Riley, Ace of Spies." Gordon and I are part of the elite HIA (deep inside CIA) set into motion in the early 1950's by Majic 12. Hal Puthoff and others are part of it also. As is usual in abductions memories have been altered to protect the guilty. ;-) ... Gordon and I are same age and two peas from the same ET Pod. ;-) ... -- Dr. Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D.

"In his youth, Gordon Novel belonged to a neo-Nazi group and was arrested and charged with bombing a Metairie, Louisiana, theater that admitted blacks. Gordon Novel:

JFK - Gordon Novel

Gordon Novel and Jack Sarfatti

Majestic 12 (also known as Majic 12, Majestic Trust, M12, MJ 12, MJ XII or Majority 12) is the purported code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, supposedly formed in 1947 by an executive order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman. The purpose of the committee was to investigate UFO activity in the aftermath of the Roswell incident - the purported crash of an alien spaceship near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. This alleged committee is an important part of the UFO conspiracy theory of an ongoing government cover up of UFO information.

The primary evidence for the existence of the Majestic 12 is a collection of documents that first emerged in 1984 and which have been the subject of much debate. The original MJ-12 documents state that:
The Majestic 12 group... was established by order of President Truman on 24 September, [sic - see discussion] 1947, upon recommendation by Dr. Vannevar Bush and Secretary of Defense James Forrestal.[1]

In evidence supporting the existence of Majic 12 , before the appearance of the various dubious MJ-12 documents, Canadian documents dating from 1950 and 1951 were uncovered in 1978.[5] These documents mention the existence of a similar, highly classified UFO study group operating within the Pentagon's Research & Development Board (RDB) and headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. Although the name of the group is not given, proponents argue that these documents remain the most compelling evidence that such a group did exist. There is also some testimony from a few government scientists involved with this project confirming its existence.

Present-day MJ-12

Despite strong evidence that MJ-12 is a hoax, many theories suggest that MJ-12's efforts continue to the present. For example, UFO researcher Bill Hamilton says he has identified the present-day members of MJ-12. Gordon Novel, a shadowy figure associated with various CIA conspiracies, Watergate, and the Jim Garrison investigation of the Kennedy assassination, in a recent interview, further adds that most are Americans with a few foreigners. Allegedly they were involved with Kennedy's murder because Kennedy wanted to end the cover-up. They are major world power brokers and manipulate events behind the scenes in a bid for total world power. Supposedly a key motivation behind the cover-up is reverse-engineering captured alien technology in order to obtain such domination. Moreover, many criminal acts have been committed towards this end, including numerous murders to maintain security and control of international drug trafficking to pay for the huge research and security costs. Novel background and interview

Majestic 12

Majestic documents

Roswell proof


Wilbert Smith:
"The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb. Flying saucers exist. Their modus operandi is unknown but a concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance."
From a declassified Canadian government memorandum dated Nov. 21, 1950. Wilbert Smith.

Transcript: Gordon Novel's interview with Project Camelot.

The Knights Temporal

G: Well, I have a group of folks that I call the Knights Temporal, that are, ah .. the most prominent aerospace engineers and physicists in the world today are all part of a team we call the RAM group. We call ourselves the Knights Temporal. We took a page out of the idea of the Templars who basically blackmailed the Pope to give them the fiefdoms over Europe. They created the banking orders we have today. And so, but, that... Since we believe the technology is rooted in time, we call ourselves the Knights Temporal. The alien technology, the UFO, is basically a flying time machine. That’s what we believe, and it’s all be know about it. It indicates that.

Time is the Key !!!

There are many government/private organisations - religious - secret and new age societies - coming together at this time - intent on controlling and guiding the world through the new millennium - all driven by their own personal perspective and agendas. What is the worlds current trajectory - perhaps that answer lies within ancient texts and mythology ? I can’t help but feel the world is fast approaching an Apex ( I would liken it to “The eye of a needle “ “ Compression of Time“ - a great implosion / inversion of sorts) which will create great distortions in reality. The question is will these events be due to mankind's interference or will it be a natural phenomena ?

All of the above mentioned people in this thread are connected in one way or another. Some are connected through the Gorbechev Foundation - some seem more concerned with raising the level of human consciousness or alternatively are associated with environmental issues. Listen intently to what is being said - in my opinion many of their ideologies lack substance - more importantly there also seem to be alot of inconsistancies which do not add up.

Transcript from Project Camelot’s interview with Gordon Novel

K: And what’s your vision for the world? Could you tell us in general terms?

G: Our vision is to get the energy out there so that we can eliminate oil, coal, and gas and nuclear fuels from polluting the atmosphere and causing the carbon dioxide that’s creating the global warming. That and a concomitant reduction in the cost of living by about... eighty percent of the cost of living is attributed to paying for energy. So if you don’t have to pay it out you get to keep it.

K: OK. But aren’t you worried about the economy? You’re actually trying to safeguard certain aspects of the economy in the process?

G: Yeah. There’s the... we are interested in, ah, the Plutopian enhancement of the economy from about 44 trillion GDP currently to about a quadrillion a year in about ten years, and making everybody about 100 times more wealthy and spreading the wealth out and causing an equalization. And people don’t have to work if they don’t have to pay for energy.

WHY ? When is enough - enough. Why is the emphasis always on how to acquire more ? The world already consumes far too much - and I am not just talking about energy ? And the rich ( the group manipulating and controlling ) will always need a working class - regardless of whether or not we have free energy. Science and technology have created a huge imbalance in our natural environment. How do we know alternative energies will not do the same ? Perhaps the real key is going back to a more natural state of living - consuming and using less .

K: Oh yeah? Because you work with Lisette... What’s her last name

G: Larkins.

K: Yeah. And she wrote the book Talking with Extraterrestrials?

G: Uh huh.

K: And... sounds like she communicates with someone out there.

G: Yeah, She’s... you can’t attribute her level of intelligence to going to school. It’s just not there, that type of thinking and the type of philosophy that she says that they advocate. And the way that they see life and how we should live it is completely... it’s not anything that we currently enjoy. Yeah. So.

K: All right. So you’ve had dialogues through her...

G: Anyhow, we’re currently trying to set up contact.

K: OK. Right.

G: And I don’t know if we’ll ever have any success at it.

K: OK. So you... You don’t know what the ET thinks of you.

G: I... No, and I don’t know whether or not they even think on that level. We are trying to find out if they do. And it’s been our experience that women seem to run the future and... extraterrestrial societies are supposedly lead and directed by women. So, the female side of the equation. So we’re very pro that idea because it’s... Women don’t like war and don’t like the consequences of war. We should have more women in Congress. We’d have a much more peaceful business of government.

K: And doesn’t a woman figure pretty prominently in your movie scenario?

G: Yeah. We’ve gotta... the judges and the prosecutors are women. And we’ve kind of looked at them as the “ultra-terrestrial,” the folks that don’t need spaceships to move around... they just think and they’re there. So yeah, yeah. I’m... we’re very avant garde toward the idea of women being the leaders of tomorrow, not men.?

Strange that all of the groups these people are associated with seem top heavy with men? Surely the emphasis should be on a harmonious blend of both. True spiritual growth and enlightenment can only come about be balancing both the feminine and masculine elements ? Mankind cannot move forward until this very simple philosophy is embraced.

G: their own society and they evolved into what we believe to be somewhat of... We don’t call it utopian. We call it plutopian. Sort of a madhouse of ideas that are completely different from what we view as what we would call utopia. But the idea of getting rid of the cost of energy in our economy is really good because that keeps 80 cents out of every dollar you keep... you spend... stays in your pocket. You get rich that way. Quick. Everybody gets rich.

K: OK. So, when did you start working on this?

G: Oh, probably in the early 70s I got involved in really trying to run it to ground and doing the investigation in terms of trying to get our hands on their technology and then we lucked into it one day and...

K: When you say “we,” who’s we?

The Knights Temporal

G: Well, I have a group of folks that I call the Knights Temporal, that are, ah .. the most prominent aerospace engineers and physicists in the world today are all part of a team we call the RAM group. We call ourselves the Knights Temporal. We took a page out of the idea of the Templars who basically blackmailed the Pope to give them the fiefdoms over Europe. They created the banking orders we have today. And so, but, that... Since we believe the technology is rooted in time, we call ourselves the Knights Temporal. The alien technology, the UFO, is basically a flying time machine. That’s what we believe, and it’s all be know about it. It indicates that.?

What kind of power would these people have if they could manipulate and control time ?

I find it very suspicious that two very important historical documents missing for centuries - mysteriously turn up at this point in history. One being the minutes of the trials against the Templars, "'Processus Contra Templarios -- Papal Inquiry into the Trial of the Templars"' which is a massive work. The parchment, also known as the Chinon Chart or Parchment, was "misplaced" in the Vatican archives until 2001, after being lost for centuries, when Professor Barbara Frale, a medievalist at the Vatican's Secret Archives finally stumbled across it. The parchment was catalogued incorrectly at some point in history. Frale said Pope Clement was convinced that while the Templars had committed some grave sins, they were not heretics.

In 1994, Italian journalist Enza Massa was at the Italian National Library in Rome when she stumbled upon an unusual find. It was a manuscript dating to 1629, titled: Nostradamus Vatinicia Code. Michel de Notredame, the author's name, was on the inside in indelible ink. The book contains cryptic and bizarre images along with over eighty watercolor paintings by the master visionary himself. New insight is given into the life of Nostradamus and his relationship with Pope Urban VIII, who knew about this manuscript and in whose possession it was for many years.

There has been an exclusive investigation into how the manuscript, believed to have been written by Nostradamus, ended up in Italy's National Library in Rome. The book, stumbled upon by an Italian journalist, contains a series of never before deciphered prophecies.

It is interesting to note Gerard de Sede said Nostradamus was connected with Grail families and the Priory of Sion. He says that before Nostradamus became famous as a prophet, he spent a great deal of time in the Lorraine region, and that this was a sort of probationary period, following which he was initiated into the Priory’s secrets. As the story goes, he was shown a secret very ancient book, which provided the basis for his subsequent “prophecies.” This book was shown to him at the Abbey of Orval, which had been donated by Godfroi de Bouillon’s foster mother, and which, according to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, was the birthplace of the Priory of Sion.

* A highly detailed color sketch shows a Pope pointing his sword at the neck of a bear. The Pope is supposedly riding on the back of a dragon or lion, it clearly appeared that a black dog was shown standing in front of the Pope, in an action position, as though it was turning to attack the Pope. It did not resemble a dragon at all.*

* One of the many colorized sketches in the book shows the head of a bearded figure similar to that of Jesus, but having the body of a serpent. In front of the figure was an Islamic symbol of the moon. It was stated by experts that this is saying that "Christianity is being threatened."

* Seven images near the end of the book appear to tell a story about the apocalypse.

* A church behind Nostradamus' house was built in the twelfth century, and has the same seven symbols on it in the book which are visible even today. It was further stated that Nostradamus might have been secretly associated with the Knights Templar who built this same church.

* Ophiuchus, the thirteenth constellation in the night sky, is supposed to be associated with the end of time in the book. The Great Alignment will be when the sun rises with perfect center of the Galaxy as indicated by this constellation.

* Supposedly the constellation Sagittarius is pointing an arrow at the center of the Galaxy. An expert stated that at that great moment, the truth will be revealed about the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden.

* Only one image in the book appears to point to the time, a period defined as starting in 1992 and ending in 2012.

* One expert stated that soon "We'll run out of food, run out of clean water, oil and ammunition."

* It was stated that the end has begun, and that almost all land world-wide will be flooded.

* Image 72 was stated by a researcher as probably a warning to our time. In that image, the wheel of time no longer has spokes, which may indicate the end of time.

* We have a choice at the end of time to become our destiny and have complete knowledge, or we will fail and lose all that we gained.