Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Amor Fati

The impetus from minus to plus never ends. The urge from below to above never ceases: whatever premises all our philosophers and psychologists dream of--self-preservation, pleasure principle, equalization--all these are but vague representations, attempts to express the great upward drive.

Göethe, letter to Lavater

What drives us ? What motivates us as individuals to take certain life paths ?

Abraham Henschel wrote that it is " as if a divine cunning operated using our instincts as pretexts toward universally valid goals to harness man's lower forces in the service of higher ends " ??

Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events based on a belief that there is a fixed natural order to the cosmos and sometimes we do see actual evidence of this in the form of prophetic dreams or divination. There is no doubt certain life paths / choices repel or attract us - in some cases to the point of obsession - " Do our thoughts contain magnetic properties ? " More importantly what / who directs the undercurrents that most of mankind seem oblivious too ? Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints or a recipe, or a code, since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. Research over the past few decades has forced most psychologists and scientists to acknowledge what many have long denied. Genes influence not just physical characteristics but our personalities, temperaments and behaviour patterns. But our minds rebel at the news that genes affect our thoughts to such a level they influence what we name our pets - what brand of cigarettes and beer we will prefer - what occupations we will choose.

Findings about the gene-behaviour dynamic, on the other hand, are overturning existing truths and demolishing assumptions upon which 100 years of psychological theory has been based. Totally different answers are emerging to questions many experts were confident had long been answered. It is this apostate cast to the behavioral findings that has caused turmoil in the academic community and provoked angry debate. The largest body of hard data to establish the genetic roots of behaviour has come from comparisons of fraternal with identical twins and comparison of adopted with biological siblings. For thirty years these investigations have been progressing quietly in scores of kinship studies in the United States and abroad and building a mountain of evidence of the gene-behaviour relationship.

THEY were the ultimate guinea pigs -- Twins - Triplets cruelly separated and secretly studied as part of a research project into whether human behaviour is the result of nature or nurture and part of a different study The Jim Twins.

Death speaks: There was a merchant in Baghdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, “Master, just now when I was in the market-place I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture; now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me.” The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the marketplace and he saw me standing in the crowd and he came to me and said, “Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning?” “That was not a threatening gesture,” I said, “it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Baghdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.

W. Somerset Maugham from an Arab tale

I included the above extract because it parallels a tragic event that occurred during my childhood - an event that had a devastating impact on my family not only emotionally but financially as well. As extended family gathered to usher in the New Year on the Western seaboard of Australia , my family gathered with friends in the East. Not long after midnight my uncle advised family and friends he would be taking a different route home that night in a bid to avoid the many heavily intoxicated drivers he anticipated would be congregating in the city to celebrate New Years Eve. So instead of taking the main artillery road through town he chose a quiet country route instead - unfortunately for my Auntie and cousins that heavily intoxicated driver my uncle seemed intent on avoiding had the same idea and inevitably they all met their fate regardless. His decision to take that particular road on that particular night still perplexes family to this day.

For Nietzsche destiny keeps the form of Amor fati (Love of Fate) through the important element of Nietzsche's philosophy named "will to power" (der Wille zur Macht), basis of human behavior, influenced by the Will to Live of Schopenhauer .

Amor fati is a Latin phrase that loosely translates to "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good. That is, one feels that everything that happens is destiny's way of reaching its ultimate purpose, and so should be considered good. Moreover, it is characterized by an acceptance of the events that occur in one's life. It is almost identical to the Jewish concept of Gam Zu Letovah (this too is for the best).

The phrase is used repeatedly in Nietzsche's writings and is representative of the general outlook on life he articulates in section 276 of The Gay Science, which reads,

I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.

Quote from "Why I Am So Clever" in Ecce Homo, section 10[1]:

My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it—all idealism is mendaciousness in the face of what is necessary—but love it.

A few weeks ago whilst visiting my sister I caught the tail end of a documentary on 9/11 - I got quite emotional as I listened to some of the inspirational stories of heroism, survival and the indomitable spirit of some very rare and beautiful human beings that survived the attack and felt some of the stories were very good examples of the ideas I am trying to convey in this blog .

On the 81st floor of Building 2 of the South Tower Brian Clarke attempts to lead his work colleagues out of harms way but is temporarily distracted when he hears someone calling for help. He locates the direction the voice is coming from and attempts to help the person trapped behind a huge wall of debris. It is at this point some of his work colleagues begin to argue amongst themselves - some believed it would make more sense to head back up the stairs towards the roof - when he does finally turn around again they are all gone. Brian succeeds in rescuing the other South Tower worker and both make it out before the towers collapse - but not one of Brian's co-workers made it out alive.

On September 11, 2001, Jay Jonas was the Captain of Ladder Co. 6 and was one of the first responding units to the World Trade Center. Jonas and his unit were in the process of evacuating the North Tower when they ran into a woman called Josephine Harris. They found her standing in a doorway crying because she was finding it difficult to walk and even though they knew the risks associated with helping her - they did so regardless. Jay said after the event alot of people asked why he stopped to help the woman - pointing out he could of just kept going - that no one would of been any the wiser - his reply was - " But I would of known ".

The following is an extract from his own account of the event :

I’m seeing and hearing other acts of courage and heroism on the way down. I’m hearing Captain Paddy Brown from Ladder 3 saying that he has a lot of burned people on the 40th floor and he doesn’t want to leave them. I run into members of Ladder Company 5 from Greenwich Village. There’s a Lieutenant Mike Warchola, who I used to carpool with when I was a young fireman. He and his company are working on a man on one of the stairway landings who’s having chest pains, a civilian.

I said, “Mike, c’mon, let’s go. It’s time to go.”

And he sees we have this woman that we’re bringing down.

He says, “I know, Jay. It’s time to go. We’re working on this guy. You have your civilian, I have mine. We’ll be right behind you.”

I said, “All right. Don’t wait too long.”

We get to the fourth floor and Josephine Harris’ legs give way. She can’t stand anymore. Now I’m starting to get nervous again. We’ve got to move a lot faster. The spooky music in this whole scenario is that the clock is ticking. I can almost hear the clock ticking in the back of my head that we gotta get out of here. This is bad. This is really bad.

I break into the fourth floor to look for a sturdy chair that we can throw her on and we could pick her up and run with her. That would be the fastest, to negotiate the stairway and make our move that way. So I break into the fourth floor. It’s not an office floor. It’s a mechanical equipment room floor. It’s where they have the airhandling equipment for that zone.

I’m looking and I’m not finding anything. I find one metal desk with a stenographer’s chair, a swivel chair, and that wouldn’t do. I find one overstuffed couch. Naturally, that wouldn’t do. It’s a little scary to think about it now, but I was way on the other side of the building, just seconds before this building collapsed. And I don’t know what told me to do it but I’m thinking, this isn’t working out. I’ve gotta get back to the stairway and we’re just going to have to drag her.

I start running back to the stairway and I’m about four feet away, four or five feet away from the stairway door and that’s when the collapse starts. I feel almost like a compression effect with the wind. I try to open the door to the stairway and I couldn’t open it. A second pull opened the door. I don’t know whether it was assisted by the compression effect of the building coming down with the wind or with my first try, maybe the building was warping and twisting, and I couldn’t open it for that reason. But the second pull I was able to open the door and I dove for the stairway landing on the fourth floor.

Now, people have tried to get me to describe what it was like while the collapse was happening. It was a montage of different sounds and experiences. The sounds were a combination of sounds. This building collapsed in what’s called a pancake fashion. In other words, one floor would hit another floor and would collapse that floor and then collapse the next floor. And every time a floor would hit another floor, it created a loud boom and tremendous vibration.

The entire collapse of this 110-story building took 13 seconds. So it sounded like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, you know, like that. And every time that happened, it shook the entire building. It shook the whole floor. So every time a floor would hit another floor, we’d be literally bouncing off the floor. We were being thrown around the stairway.

Jay utilized all his instincts and ironically admitted the only reason his unit survived was because they did in fact stop to help Josephine.

In 2001 television producer Dennis Wooldridge was writing a novel about a massive terrorist attack on the United States. To research it he travelled to New York and checked into a hotel it was the 22 story luxury Marriott at the foot of the Twin Towers. He stated some of the stories that came out of the Marriott were some of the most intriguing of the entire event. There was one irony after another - one odd coincidence if you believe in coincidence after another - people whose lives were linked in very strange ways by this event. All their lives would change forever and all because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time but the story that stood out most for me was that of Irish born architect Ron Clifford.

Ron had emigrated to the States with his family in the eighties. He had a major interview at the Marriott Hotel. Early in the morning - on 9/11 - he spoke to his sister Ruth who gave him advice on what to wear for the interview. The conversation with Ruth was the last he would ever have with his sister because in a bizarre twist of fate she was also caught up in the events of 9/11. His sister and her daughter were in the second plane that hit the South Tower - they were on their way to Disneyland for a holiday. He risked his life to save burns victim Jenny Anne and although he admits there were moments he wanted to flee the scene he was determined he would not leave until he got Jenny Anne to safety - when he finally realised no help was coming he covered her with a tablecloth and together they ran from the heart wrenching scene of devastation until they reached emergency services - he then waited with her until an ambulance arrived - at peace in his own mind Ron then made his way home - it was his daughters birthday ( she was born 9/11/90 and had just turned 11 ) ?

So the question is - Do we have freewill ?

I believe the answer is YES - because regardless of the fated threads ( lots ) cast on us by the Moirae - the collective archetypes are also incorporated within the yarn and mankind has become aware of these absolute truths in every culture throughout history in symbols depicted in myths - drawings - sculpture - music - theatre or dance. They are part of man’s consciousness and their truths surface despite of us, as they are an intrinsic part of our nature. For the most part mankind are sleepwalkers - totally oblivious to the inner workings of their lower / higher self. It is only by becoming " AWARE " of those deeper undercurrents we can ever hope to safely and confidently navigate the cyclic ebb and flow of life. God help me then ;)

Intellect versus Instincts / Creativity

Some say the history of pathological skepticism towards magical thinking began with the "Age of Enlightenment" an academic and scientific back lash against religious power but I believe the true conflict began with the onset of Christianity and their relentless war against Pagan and Indigenous people and their religious beliefs - The Catechism of the Catholic Church states,

"All forms of divination are to be rejected: practices falsely supposed to ‘unveil’ the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone" (CCC 2116).

In effect the Catechism is saying we must SUPPRESS OUR NATURAL GOD GIVEN INSTINCTS ? Like that makes alot of sense ? Human beings have five senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell. These five senses combined will react to certain stimuli which in turn will trigger a response ( Instinct) . What are instincts ? Instincts are unlearned, inherited fixed action patterns of responses or reactions to certain kinds of stimuli. Gut instincts = intuition and survival which are all terms indicating our human ability to perceive information and energy beyond three dimensions. This is an elaborate, sensitive and intricate system.

Our instincts / intuition are RIGHT BRAIN FUNCTIONS but then so too is philosophy and religion ? So for me the directive within the ( Catechism ) just does not add up because INTUITION / INSTINCTS are the very essence and foundation of religious / spiritual thought ? As I said in my previous post mankind has created a huge precipice that divides one dimension of thought from another - subconscious versus conscious mind - right brain versus left and the only way to bridge that divide is through the elimination of ignorant biased and outdated belief systems that exist within the substructure of our academic and spiritual institutions. Why does mankind fear and detest his own NATURE so much ? Is this not reflected by our TOTAL disregard for the ENVIRONMENT ?

Whilst discussing Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert - Laurens van der Post said

" This sense of being known has completely abandoned us in the modern world, because we have destroyed the " wilderness person " in ourselves and banished the wilderness that sustained them from our lives."

Less and less [ does contemporary man] experience the process within. Less and less is he capable of committing himself body and soul to the creative experiment that is continually seeking to fire him and charge his little life with great objective meaning. Cut off by accumulated knowledge from the heart of his own living experience, he moves among a comfortable rubble of material possessions, alone and unbelonging, sick, poor, starved of meaning.


There is another real contradiction I can see in the Catechism - according to biblical text - in Exodus - only magic could overcome magic ? The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "When Pharaoh says to you, 'Perform a miracle,' then , 'Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh,' and it will become a snake."

So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the LORD commanded. Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a snake. Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret arts: Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs. Yet Pharaoh's heart became hard and he would not listen to them, just as the LORD had said.

So those who control the rod control the power ? Hmmm

Then we had the industrial revolution, and suddenly the new materialism had political consequences.

According to the new view, the biggest enemy of science was organized religion, so it became necessary to discredit religious superstition at every given opportunity - all in the name of truth, progress, and freedom. As John Donne said in a famous poem, all "coherence" was gone with the rise of the new cosmology. A new coherence was rising, and it meant getting rid of the mysterious, the mystical, the supernatural; the specter that haunted Epicurus from classical times still had to be exorcised. Above all, miracles were not "coherent" with materialism. A new form of intolerance sprouted a new set of inquisitorial tentacles: "spiritual thinking" became a code word for anathema, and were pegged as the enemies of scientific and political progress. No doubt there are some factual reasons lurking behind this resistance, but there is a difference between rational caution and hysterical rejection. Occultists, spiritualists, psychical researchers are traditionally attacked, ostracized, and sometimes demonized by the scientific elite and by organized religion.

Michael Grosso

Less and less is he capable of committing himself body and soul to the creative experiment that is continually seeking to fire him and charge his little life with great objective meaning.

In this video Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types.

In his talk he stated "Al gore spoke the other night about ecology, and the revolution that was triggered by Rachel Carson. I believe our only hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, one in which we start to reconstitute our conception of richness of human capacity. Our education system has mined our minds in the way that we strip-mine the earth; for a particular commodity. And for the future, it won't serve us. We have to rethink the fundamental principles on which we're educating our children."

INTELLIGENCE IS MULTI-FACETED and it is only through integration of the whole mankind can ever hope to reach his full potential.

Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is based on studies not only on normal children and adults but also by studies of gifted individuals (including so-called "savants"), of persons who have suffered brain damage, of experts and virtuosos, and of individuals from diverse cultures. This led Gardner to break intelligence down into at least eight different components: logical, linguistic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, naturalist, intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences. He argues that psychometric tests address only linguistic and logical plus some aspects of spatial intelligence; other forms have been entirely ignored. Moreover, the paper-and-pencil format of most tests rules out many kinds of intelligent performance that matter in everyday life, such as social intelligence

Friday, August 7, 2009

A Glimpse of God

To the artist is sometimes granted a sudden, transient insight which serves in this matter for experience. A flash, and where previously the brain held a dead fact, the soul grasps a living truth! At moments we are all artists.
—Arnold Bennett

Oh my God this post has taken forever to complete lol I started it about three weeks ago but got side-tracked and have not looked at it since - I hate leaving things unfinished so I am determined to post this today.

My next few posts are the direct result of some really fascinating discussions taking place on Sara's blog : Schizotypal and Obsessive Compulsive disorders to the evolution of religious practice and String's blog : Alchemy - Super Receivers :)

Over the past decade the battle lines have been sharply drawn as atheists confront believers - evolutionists challenge creationists and our academic institutions continue to place intellect above creativity ( the arts ). As it stands there is a huge precipice that divides one dimension of thought from another - subconscious versus conscious mind - right brain versus left and the only way to bridge that divide is through the elimination of ignorant biased and outdated belief systems that exist within the substructure of our academic and spiritual institutions.

"The cosmic man must be restored, the whole man who is made in the image and likeness of the arch-force, which you may call God. This man thinks with his heart and not with party dogma. As I've explained before, there is an order in the universe – a cosmic order – and humans have the possibility of understanding these laws."

"The truly religious man has no fear of life and no fear of death—and certainly no blind faith: his faith must be in his conscience. Then he will have the intuition to observe and judge what happens around him. Then, he can acknowledge that everything unfolds true to strict natural law, sometimes with tremendous speed."


From time to time everyone will use the expression 'it suddenly hit me like a tone of bricks 'or 'it just dawned on me' - we have all brushed up against that sudden flash of insight or innate sense of " Knowing " and " Awareness " which in many respects is Alchemy in it's purest and most potent form.

Archimedes discovered how to test for the purity of a golden crown while he was in his bath. Kekulé discovered the ring structure of benzene through a dream in which he saw an ouroboros, or a snake biting its tail, and Coleridge woke up from a nap with the entire poem of Kubla Khan mapped out before him in his head, in its entirety. When anyone asked the mathematician Ramanujan where he got his near-miraculous mathematical proofs from, he said he was given the answers by the gods.

I didn't have to think up so much as a comma or a semicolon; it was all given, straight from the celestial recording room. Weary, I would beg for a break, an intermission, to go to the toilet or take a breath of fresh air on the balcony. Nothing doing!
—Henry Miller

All this fires my soul, and provided I am not disturbed, my subject enlarges itself, becomes methodized and defined, and the whole, though it be long, stand almost complete and finished in my mind, so I can survey it, like a fine picture or a beautiful statue at a glance. . . For this reason, the committing to paper is done quickly enough, for everything is, as I said, already finished; and it rarely differs on paper from what it was in my imagination.

There are literally thousands of accounts similar to this - descriptions pertaining to the creative process throughout the course of human history, to the point there has almost been mythology built up around it. Inspiration is often attributed to divine sources in these accounts, for example, some creative processes are even described in ways that make them seem magical. Writers - artists - inventors and scientists have all described their moments of " Insight " as an uplifting or god-like feeling of inspiration. In the wise old words of Carl Jung " I cannot say I believe. I know. I have had the experience of being gripped by something stronger than myself, something people call God. "

Gut feelings don't make obvious sense. Take Barbara McClintock for example, who received a Nobel Prize in genetics. One day in 1930 she stood with a group of scientists in the cornfields around Cornell University, pondering the results of a genetics experiment. The researchers had expected that half of the corn would produce sterile pollen, but less than a third of it actually had. The difference was significant and McClintock was so disturbed that she left the cornfield and climbed the hill to her laboratory, where she could sit down alone and think.

Half an hour later, she jumped up and ran down to the field. At the top of the field (everyone else was down at the bottom ) I shouted " Eureka, I have it, I have the answer! I know what this 30 percent sterility is." Her colleagues naturally said " Prove it " Then she found she had no idea how to explain her insight. Many decades later, McClintock said, " When you suddenly see the problem, something happens and you have the answer - before you are able to put it into words. It is all done subconsciously. This has happened many times to me, and I know when to take it seriously. I'm so absolutely sure, I don't talk about it, I don't have to tell anybody about it, I'm just sure this is it. "

This feeling of knowing without being able to say how one knows is common. The French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal is famous for his aphorism.

" The heart has its reasons that reason cannot know."

The great nineteenth-century mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss admitted that intuition often led him to ideas he could not immediately prove. " I have had my results for a long time: but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them."

Claude Bernard, the founder of modern physiology, wrote that everything purposeful in scientific thinking began with feeling. " Feeling alone ," he wrote, " guides the mind."

Quote - Singer/songwriter Thom Yorke on where he gets his musical ideas from, on the German TV show VIVA on July 10th, 2003

Yeah, I - you know, I get beamed at. I mean my bits are beamed, to me. They aren’t anything to do with me. I’m, you know - tuned into a certain frequency some days and… and receive the information I need. It’s got nothing to do with me, I tell you

Skeptics would probably view the comment above as a somewhat paranoid or delusional interpretation of ones creative process but I too have viewed / sensed various thought processes in a spatial context . For example when I was six I had an epiphany whilst cheering on teammates at a school swimming carnival - " TIME " seemed to slow right down - I was absolutely and unequivocally transfixed in the " NOW "

I sensed myself looking down on the world from some distant vantage point in space - and for the briefest moment in time felt such a deep connection " A Oneness " with all life on the planet - Unus mundus. Unus Mundus or " one world " is a concept in which elements are both separate and at the same time united. In this world there is no disharmony. The inner world of fantasy, imagination and dreams crosses over into outer events. Fragments can be seen as both part of a whole (microcosms) and as the whole itself (macrocosms). I was so overwhelmed by the experience I ended up crying and laughing all at the same time. One of the nuns came over and asked if I was okay but how do you explain something like that ? lol Well you just can't can you ? I have also experienced the sensation of " thought " originating from outside my mind - moving towards me from a distant point in space - this experience did honestly feel like a message from God but it was something I " sensed " rather than " heard " or " saw ". I was travelling on the southbound lane of the Monaro highway and on approaching the crest of a high mountain found my attention stray for a brief moment - as my thoughts wandered - I looked down on the breathtaking views of the valley below - my gaze began to drift a little further afield toward the beautiful Brindabella mountains that were kind of glowing with a blue hue until finally my eyes came to rest on a very remote distant point in the sky. Once again I felt at " One with the World " I found myself in a total state of bliss - way off in the distance I sensed something moving towards me at breakneck speed and I knew without a doubt that my destiny and the destiny of another would soon become entwined and yes this vision " sense " did materialize in the most amazing and profound way.

In the famous words of Oogway in Kung Fu Panda - " There is no such thing as an accident " :)

Why are " Sensing " and " Seeing " thoughts in a spatial context so difficult for people to comprehend ? At no time did I delude myself into believing these experiences were anymore than a " perspective " " sensation " or " thought " ? For many years people who experienced OBE's and had the courage to talk about them were ridiculed by the general populace but recent medical research by Olaf Blanke in Switzerland found that it is possible to reliably elicit experiences somewhat similar to the OBE by stimulating regions of the brain called the right temporal-parietal junction (TPJ; a region where the temporal lobe and parietal lobe of the brain come together). Blanke and his collaborators in Switzerland have explored the neural basis of OBEs by showing that they are reliably associated with lesions in the right TPJ region and that they can be reliably elicited with electrical stimulation of this region in a patient with epilepsy. These elicited experiences may include perceptions of transformations of the patient's arm and legs (complex somatosensory responses) and whole-body displacements (vestibular responses).

Blanke and colleagues thus propose that the right temporal-parietal junction is important for the sense of spatial location of the self, and that when these normal processes go awry, an OBE arises. In August 2007 Blanke's lab published research in Science demonstrating that conflicting visual-somatosensory input in virtual reality could disrupt the spatial unity between the self and the body. During multisensory conflict, participants felt as if a virtual body seen in front of them was their own body and mislocalized themselves toward the virtual body, to a position outside their bodily borders. This indicates that spatial unity and bodily self-consciousness can be studied experimentally and is based on multisensory and cognitive processing of bodily information.

Inspiration is a fragile thing... just a breeze, touching the green foliage of a city park, just a whisper from the soul of a friend. Just a line of verse clipped from some book. Inspiration... who can say where it is born, and why it leaves us? Who can tell the reasons for its being or not being? Only this... I can think. Inspiration comes from the Heart of Heaven to give the lift of wings, and the breath of divine music to those of us who are earthbound.
—Margaret Sangster

Now I want to finish with a message to all those who have inspired me over the years - to those of you who I know deep down will continue to voice your opinions in an attempt to bring some semblance of order to a very fragile and unenlightened world - Thank you for staying true to yourself even in the face of selfishness and in some instances ridicule and criticism - Thank you for allowing your inner voice a platform to be seen and heard - All thoughts - designs and innovations are IMAGINED during their earliest stage of conception - mankind would be nothing without imagination and our gift to each other is to continue to express it ?

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.

Carl Sagan

You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"

George Bernard Shaw

and from the video - Elizabeth Gilbert

Allah Allah Allah - Ole Ole Ole